Friday, 1 July 2022




Blood donation saves lives. This itself should be a good enough reason for you to donate blood but how many of you do so? There is a constant need for a regular supply of blood because it can be stored only for a limited period of time before use. Regular blood donation by a sufficient number of healthy people is needed to ensure that blood will always be available whenever and wherever it is needed.

Blood is the most precious gift that anyone can give to another person – the gift of life. The World Health Organization (WHO) further explains: “A decision to donate your blood can save a life, or even several if your blood is separated into its components — red cells, platelets, and plasma — which can be used individually for patients with specific conditions.”  According to the American Red Cross, one blood donation can save as many as three lives, and someone in the U.S. requires a blood transfusion every two seconds. Every year, millions of lives are saved because of blood donations and blood products.

Donating blood can help people injured in accidents, as well as those undergoing cancer treatment and battling blood diseases. Unfortunately, while donating blood provides a lifesaving gift, it can be an intimidating task for some people.


Misunderstandings or misconceptions about the process make people more reluctant. So, today, we will bust some common myths about blood donation to ease people’s minds about donating.

Myth 1: If I donate blood, I won’t have enough left in my own body : As a practicing surgeon I come across patients who require blood transfusions on a daily basis and almost every day I face relatives who are ready to purchase blood but not donate the same. They feel only body builders and wrestlers can donate blood and they are too weak! Any healthy individual who donates will remain healthy afterward. Doctors do recommend that people rest for a day and drink fluids after donating. After about 48 hours, your body will replace the lost blood volume. In about four to eight weeks, your body will completely replace the red blood cells you donated. Some people might experience adverse effects such as weakness, dizziness, or lightheadedness after donating. But these symptoms go away on their own. Just make sure to drink some fluids and have a light snack afterward.

Myth 2: Seniors can’t donate blood: This isn’t true. The American Red Cross says that people who are older than 16 years and weigh more than 110 pounds (50 kilograms) are eligible to give blood. They also state that there’s no upper age limit for blood donation as long as someone is healthy and has no restrictions or limitations to their activities. These rules do differ in some countries. In the United Kingdom, for instance, donors must be aged 17–66 years. According to WHO, some countries allow regular donors over the age of 65 to give blood at the discretion of a responsible physician.

Myth 3: I take medication, so I can’t donate blood: In almost all cases, medications won’t disqualify you from donating blood. According to the American Red Cross, a donor’s eligibility will be based on the reason that the medication has been prescribed. If you are healthy and your condition is under control, then blood donation is likely to be permitted. Herbal remedies, nutritional supplements, and over-the-counter oral homeopathic medicines are permitted too. There is a Transfusion Medicine expert in a Blood Bank, let him/her decide your eligibility.

Myth 4: I might contract dangerous infections if I give blood: Blood Donation is done in most aseptic manner and there is no risk of catching an infection when donating blood. A new sterile needle is used with each new blood donation and immediately discarded. Therefore, there’s almost no chance of catching a blood-borne infection from donating blood if the hospital you are donating blood at follows all the rules.

Myth 5: You can’t donate if you’ve had COVID-19: Just because you’ve had COVID-19 in the past doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to donate blood in the future. In fact blood plasma from recovered COVID patients was used as a source of antibodies in many COVID patients and this act of bold donation by recovered COVID patients saved several COVID victims! The donors have to be free of any symptoms for at least two weeks. If you're currently recovering from COVID-19 or are displaying COVID-like symptoms, don’t attempt to donate blood. You should be resting and isolating yourself.

Myth 6: You can only give blood once each year: Not so. The blood cells take up to eight weeks to be replenished. After that, it’s safe to donate blood again. The American Red Cross says that you can donate whole blood every 56 days up to 6 times a year. For all practical purposes, if you are healthy you can certainly donate blood again after 3 months.

Myth 7: Blood donation is time-consuming: While examining the donor and talking to them to put them at ease may take 5 to 10 minutes, the donation of a pint of whole blood takes just another 8 to 10 minutes. Registration and processing times vary, but they typically take somewhere between 30 and 60 minutes. After registration, you’re usually required to answer some questions about your health and travel history. This is followed by a brief physical examination to determine if you’re eligible to donate blood. That’s it. So if you’re planning to donate blood, don’t be hesitant thinking it will take a long time. It won’t.

Myth 8: You cannot donate if you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol: If you are otherwise healthy these are no contra-indications. You can donate blood if your blood pressure is below 180 systolic and below 100 diastolic says the American Red Cross. Even medications for high blood pressure won’t disqualify you from donating. The Red Cross provides a detailed list of the eligibility criteria for donating blood.

Myth 9: Enough people donate blood: Sadly, this isn’t true. Blood has a limited shelf life and can’t be manufactured outside of the human body. Donated red blood cells have a shelf life of up to 42 days, while donated platelets must be used within 5 days. Therefore, the supply must constantly be replenished, and there is always a need for more blood donors.

Myth 10: It hurts: All you should feel is a gentle pressure and a momentary “pinprick” sensation. Blood donation is very safe and discomfort or problem during or after donating is very uncommon.


Who should not donate blood?

There can be only two reasons of you being ineligible to become a blood donor - it can either harm you, the donor or the recipient.

1.      You should not give blood if your own health might suffer as a result. The first concern of the blood bank service is to ensure that blood donation does no harm to the blood donor. You should not donate blood if:

·         You are feeling unwell

·         You are anaemic

·         You are pregnant, have been pregnant within the last year or are breastfeeding

·         You have certain medical conditions, which might make you an unsuitable donor 

·         You are taking certain medications, such as antibiotics.

You may be able to donate blood at a later time. In some cases, however, in order to protect your own health you will not be able to donate blood.

2.      You should not donate blood if it might cause harm to the patient who receives it. Blood can transmit life-threatening infections to patients who receive blood transfusions. You should not donate blood if:

·         You have or may recently have contracted a sexually transmitted disease, such as HIV or syphilis, that can be passed on to a patient who receives your blood

·         Your lifestyle puts you at risk of contracting an infection that can be transmitted through your blood: for example, if you have more than one sexual partner or have sexual contact with prostitutes

·         You have ever injected recreational, non-medicinal drugs

·         You have recently had a tattoo, skin scarification or ear or body piercing – your local blood service can tell you how long you must wait before giving blood

·         You have had sexual contact with anyone in the above categories.


So if you’re eligible, it’s always a good idea to roll up your sleeves and spare an hour to give blood.




1 comment:

  1. Dear Surajit wish you a belated happy doctors day and thx for sharing your noble thoughts on blood donation. More than 70% of doctors here won’t know in whose memory we celebrate doctors day. Blood donation to me is lazy man’s idea of charity. It’s there traversing in our body and any needy person can get it ie low hanging fruit. Dr Charles Drew though not pioneer in blood transfusion but sure a legend. It was his post doctoral dissertation on blood banks that made him famous. During world war 2 he supplied plasma to Britain and since he was black, plasma source was marked on the bottles since many whites refused to have negro blood. Big daddy’s like John Hopkins refused to take blood from black people. Things changed in 1960s but southern states continued the bias . In 1980s with onslaught of AIDS Reagan administration banned donations from PLHIV which continues to this day but now deferment period is reduced to 3 months. BTW Charles Drew died in a road accident at a very young age because no nearby white hospital would treat him. Such is the irony of life. Here is a Haiku on Broken Heart ‘ I poured my heart out
    And he crushed it to pieces
    What a bloody mess!’
    Have good night sleep and yes Thx for bearing with me
