Tuesday, 19 November 2019


I am a window seat flyer and I insist for it every time I book a flight. I have, in the past, written about  the pleasures of the window seat in https://surajitbrainwaves.blogspot.com/2018/02/the-window-seat.html
But today I will dwell on a different aspect of flying in this privileged seat, the responsibilities that come with this privilege. I know that when it comes to the best seat on a flight, travellers are split between the aisle and window. My reasons for preferring the window are the views and avoidance of drink-cart knee-bonking; while the aisle traveler is looking for more breathing room, convenience for lavatory trips and exiting the plane before me.
The view from 30,000 feet in the air, soaring through the clouds at high speed to get to destinations near and far is simply breathtaking and unique every time. The magic of the sun rising from behind the Himalayan range or melting into the Arabian Sea as it sets in the evening change every time I get an opportunity to witness from the comfort of the window seat
Window-seat-seekers often see the romance in that scientifically supported magic, seeing this perch as a coveted treasure. It brings the chance to see the Earth's majesty from a rapidly changing vantage point. You soar like a bird over the landscape of our diverse planet, its flora and fauna and fast-casual chains and freeways below. Mountain ranges rise and fall as your plane hums along its invisible path. And if you happen to land in Paro, Bhutan or Queenstown in New Zealand you will never forget the thrill of the window seat!
I am often aghast when I see some frequent flyers occupying the window seat but ignoring the experience, preferring to sit there not for the scene but for its nook-like comfort. You can hole up, sleep relatively undisturbed and deal with the rest of life upon landing. These folks keep the shade shut, opting to catch up on emails, TV shows or shut-eye without a glare beaming into devices or their eyes. I feel that is a waste of the window seat!
No matter what camp you fall in, here are the unofficial rules for both breeds of window-seat passenger.
Rule No. 1: You are the ruler of the shade.
The window shade breeds contempt and conflict among plane passengers. Some could never imagine shutting the thing, blocking the window's best feature: the ability to see outside. Others prefer to keep it down, opting for better sleep and better views of entertainment systems. Both parties have a point.
Because you selected - and perhaps even paid extra - to sit at the window, you have the final say in whether the shade stays up or down (excluding times flight attendants instruct you otherwise). That being said, just because you're the boss doesn't mean other people will respect your authority. Flying is generally a communal activity, and unless you're one of the incredibly lucky souls to get a row to yourself, neighbours may ask you to adjust from your own shade preference.
Some questions to keep in mind before you make that decision: Is the person asking you to change its status a child? A parent with a child who's trying to sleep? A person who has never flown before? An anxious flyer? Also consider your route. Are you flying into a new time zone, especially overseas? Controlling the window shade may have an effect on fellow passengers' internal clocks, as well as yours.
Ultimately it's up to you, the occupant of the window seat, to decide whether you'll be a benevolent or omnipotent ruler.
Rule No. 2: Limit trips out of your seat.
Our human bodies are not always easy to control. There's nothing unethical about needing to use the restroom frequently on a flight, or wanting to stand up and stretch. But if you're a person who fits either of these travel styles, don't book a window seat. If you have a prostate problem then the window seat is not for you.
Sometimes requests to exit your row have nothing to do with bodily functions. If you pack your carry-on bag strategically so you have everything you need within reach when you're locked in by the window, you can avoid making everyone stand while you grab your headphones/neck pillow/laptop/jacket packed in the overhead compartment.
Particularly given the tiny nature of seats in economy, it's a hassle to squeak in and out of airplane rows these days. Don't plague your row-mates with a barrage of requests to leave your seat every now and then.
Rule No. 3: Time bathroom breaks with the middle seat or aisle.
Per the rule above, the way to be the most considerate window-seat passenger is to follow your neighbours' lead. Watch for the opportune time to make a break for the lavatory: when the middle is exiting, too. That's your queue to get up, capitalizing on everyone having to rise, anyway.
Rule No. 4: Lean into the window.
This rule is ordained with the middle-seat passenger in mind. While you're tucked deep, deep into the row as the window-seat holder, you're also often blessed by a little alcove between your armrest and the window. Take advantage of those extra inches by leaning into that nook when possible. You'll alleviate some of your squished neighbour's misery in the process. Remember if you have the window then the aisle side arm rest belongs to the middle seat passenger!
Rule No. 5: Overcome claustrophobia.
If you're claustrophobic, this position is not for you. The window is for people who don't mind huddling up in a confined space for long periods; people who understand that with great power (controlling the shade) comes great responsibility (not getting up unless everyone's getting up).
The view from the window may be comforting if you're claustrophobic, but once you look ahead or to your side to see how you're crammed like a sardine, you could lose that sense of relief. Opt instead for the aisle, or, if your phobia is stemming from a general fear of flying, turn to apps that help nervous flyers.
Rule No. 5: Be generous with ‘excuse me’ and ‘thank you’.
If you're in the window seat you may be the object of envy of your neighbours, so be a wee bit extra polite. A generous dose of Excuse me /  excuse moi / Pardon /  Por favor / Sumimasen and thank you / gracias / merci / arigato / danke sher / do jeh / obligado / shukriya goes a long way in befriending the less privileged and moving in and out of the row.
Rule No. 6: Be patient.

If you're in the window seat there is no way you can get off the plane early. You have enjoyed the view and the thrill and now on arrival at your destination be patient and let others deplane first. Be careful while pulling down your cabin baggage and don’t try to do so from acrobatic positions thus hurting your fellow passengers.

A window seat gives you both - the view and the experience, but along with this dual privilege comes certain responsibilities. We must appreciate this when we opt for the privileges.


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