you noticed that real life achievers in this world are never stressed, never
hassled, and never short of time? They are achieving far more than the average guy
or girl but whereas the latter species is always hard pressed for time or worse
still, has total disdain and complete disregard their own time and that of
others, the achievers always find time for their passion, their family, their
friends and can finish their job well in time! So what are they doing right
that the mediocre are failing to do? They are managing their time well.
management refers to the efficient use of time. We all have the same
twenty-four hrs every day at our disposal. If we use our time productively and
effectively we can make the most of the time available to us, and succeed. We
need to do this in a stress-free and relaxed manner so that it is our best that
comes out. By overworking we stress ourselves, and that is neither judicious
nor sustainable. We need to strike a balance between work and rest, and use our
physical, mental and intellectual resources in the best way and wisely manage
our time.
1. Know your goals and
be most productive.
order to succeed in life Benjamin Franklin developed a model for himself at the
age of 20. Today it is also known as the "pyramid of productivity"
and is particularly effective for goals that require long-term investment. You
need to spend time planning your goals and ways to achieve them, and after
doing so you will have a clear path on which you can fulfill any dream and
- In the first stage, you must understand what your values and
aspirations are so that you know what really matters to you.
- In the second stage, you must set an achievable goal for your life
that can be reached within the specified time. So, ask yourself,
"What do I want to achieve in the next X years?"
step is then devoted to planning the path to achieving the goal:
- General planning - detailed
instructions for achieving the goal in general
- Long-term – steps for 3-5 years
- Short-term - steps for the month/year (1-12 months)
- Top step - steps for every
day or week
you’ve written instructions for each time span, you will have a lot more
motivation to achieve your goal, because you already know exactly what you need
to do and when to finish each stage - sometimes lack of planning is what lowers
motivation, but clear tasks help you know what steps need to be taken, and for
the most part they also seem less threatening as a result.
2. Prioritize wisely-The
Eisenhower Matrix
D. Eisenhower, the 34th president of the United States, was considered one of
the country's finest leaders who knew how to best manage their time, and was
known to have effectively controlled several areas of his life at the same
time. How did he do this? Eisenhower used to divide a page into 4 parts, giving
each a different title:
right: urgent and unimportant
left part: urgent but important
right part: not urgent and unimportant
left part: not urgent but important
Looking at what goes into making up your day, where do
your activities fit into these categories?
1. Urgent & Important — Tasks
that must be done. Do them right away. are usually all the things you haven’t
had time to do but need to get done today. If you use this list daily, this
part should remain blank most of the time.
2. Urgent but not
important —
Tasks that make the most “noise,” but when accomplished, have little or no
lasting value. Delegate these if possible.
3. Important but not
urgent —
Tasks that appear important, but upon closer examination aren’t. Plan
them well because these
tasks should not be done in haste, because if you do this they can easily move
to the important and urgent section when you don’t do them correctly.
4. Not urgent and not
important —
Low-priority stuff that offer the illusion of “being busy.” Do them later. These are tasks that
even if left undone, won’t affect you too much like updating your social media
Covey, co-author of First Things
First, offers this same organizational tool for your to-do list
based on how important and urgent tasks are. Write down your three or four
“important and urgent” tasks that must be addressed today, he advises. As you
complete each one, check it off your list. This will provide you with a sense
of accomplishment and can motivate you to tackle less essential items.
3. Triple Ds
time management involves understanding which jobs are non essential and can
wait – Delete them from your to do
list. Then identify the ones that are essential but do not demand your personal
involvement and attention – Delegate
them. Then there will remain that require your total dedication and personal attention
– Do them. Delegating or outsourcing
are real time-savers since it lessens your workload - which means you have more
time to spend on more important tasks or doing less work. Doing less doesn’t
mean “less is more.” It means “less is better.” This is achieved by slowing
down, being aware of what needs to be done, and concentrating only on those
things. Once you do, make every action count. As a result you’ll be creating
more value instead of just fodder.
4. Just say no.
have to realize that you’re the boss of your time. If you have to decline a
request in order to attend to what’s truly important and urgent, do not hesitate
to do . You do not have to please everyone, that in fact is an utopian
dream. Be prepared to move on to more productive tasks. Learn from the
experience to avoid wasting time later on.
5. Plan ahead.
Plastic Surgery there is a very popular phrase – ‘If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail’. One of the worst
things you can do is jump into the workday with no clear idea about what needs
to get done. The time you spend thinking ahead and planning your activities is
trivial compared with the time you’ll lose jumping from one thing to the next and
then failing to complete both.
6. Eliminate
paying attention to the number of times someone interrupts you when you’re in
the midst of an important task. They are not helping you and cannot be your
friend. Track self-induced
interruptions, too, particularly those of the social media variety.
Your smartphone is extremely useful, but it’s also addictive and among the most
insidious time-wasters known to mankind.
may take a massive exercise in will power, but shut the door and turn off your
phone to maximize your time. In our age of constant distraction, it's stupidly
easy to split our attention between what we should be doing and what society
bombards us with. Fight it and win this fight.
7. Watch what you
spend – create a time audit
many productive minutes are you packing in each week? Use this simple time-sheet
tracker to quickly and easily clock in and out of various tasks or projects
throughout the day. The easiest way to keep track of your time is to download
an app like RescueTime, Toggl or
my app Calendar to track
everything you do for a week. Then generate robust, real-time reports to see
exactly where you’re spending your most valuable asset — and where it’s being
8. Eat the frog first.
Twain once said, "If it's your job to eat a frog, it's best to do it first
thing in the morning. And if it's your job to eat two frogs, it's best to eat
the biggest one first." Disgusting, isn’t it? But, the point that Twain
was making that you should take care your biggest and most-challenging tasks in
the morning, your most important tasks (MITs) of the day. That is because you
usually have the most amount of energy in the morning and it’s better to tackle
these tasks when you’re not drained. Also, you can use that feeling of
accomplishment to get through the rest of the day.
9. Follow the 80-20
Pareto Principle also known as the 80-20 rule suggests that 80% of results come
from 20% of the effort put in. 80% of your results comes from 20% of your
actions. So quality time is more important than quantity time. For the sake of
simplicity try to get done five tasks you need to accomplish. Using the
principle you can probably eliminate the majority of the items on your list. It
may feel unnatural at first but overtime this will condition you to scale up
effort on the most important tasks
10. Stop being
you’re a perfectionist, nothing will ever be good enough. And ‘best’ is the
greatest enemy of ‘good’. That means you’ll keep going back to same task over
and over again. How productive do you think your day will be then? So, stop
being perfect. It doesn’t exist. Do the best you can and move on.
11. Bunch similar task
you have related work, bunch them together. For example, don’t answer your
emails and phone calls throughout the day. Schedule a specific time to handle
these tasks. Different tasks demand different types of thinking. By bunching
related tasks together, your brain isn’t switching gears - which means you cut
out that time reorienting.
12. Take care of
sure to get plenty of sleep and exercise. An alert mind is a
high-functioning mind and one that’s less tolerant of time-wasting activities.