Thursday, 23 February 2017


An engineer from Hyderabad 32 years old Srinivas Kuchibhotla was shot dead and another Alok Madasani was injured on Wednesday night after Adam Purinton, a 51-year-old Navy veteran allegedly opened fire at them, yelling, "get out of my country". This happened at a bar in Kansas in US and the accused has been arrested and charged with murder. Another man identified as Ian Grillot, who tried to overpower the assailant was also injured in the shooting. Mr. Purinton thought that the Hyderabadi duo was from a Middle Eastern country and reincarnation of Osama bin Laden I guess! But is that an excuse to extinguish a life? This is Xenophobia. Xenophobia: Intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries.

Hostility towards strangers within American and European right-wing populist parties has been apparent in its commonness, its virulence, as well as its danger. Xenophobia can be defined as the fear of the unknown, particularly of strangers or foreigners. Islamophobia is one type of xenophobia which relates to the fear of Muslims, as well as their acts. This fear of another nation or minority that is in some way different often develops into hatred and the feeling of one’s own superiority above another person’s background and heritage.

Though this incident happened in America xenophobia is today a global phenomenon. Xenophobia and islamophobia incorporates hatred of people that belong to a different race, ethnic group, or national origin. Needless to say, such negative attitudes are particularly dangerous within a multinational entity such as the European Union and the U.S. Norway, France, the Netherlands, Finland, Italy, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, and Austria all are experiencing this problem and the influx of Syrian refugees has simply accentuated this problem.

In Norway, the Progress Party was originally formed as an anti-tax libertarian party, but at the present time, it is a typical anti-immigration party. The party argues that immigration is the main cause of crime and social tensions that directly influence the welfare state, which the party wants to reduce. They intend to tighten Norwegian immigration policy, allowing only a limited number of immigrants into the country’s labor market. This is quite understandable but the slogans and atmosphere that it aims to set among the Norwegian population are at times particularly xenophobic.

In France, the situation is similar. However, the French Front National party opposes immigration both into the country and into the European Union in general. Furthermore, the Party has actively advocated in favor of the law that would make it compulsory for immigrants to leave the country, and the EU, and return to their country of origin. Faced by a severe criticism of xenophobia from the liberals they have now agreed to advocate such actions for foreign-born criminals only. Now doesn’t that sound familiar to Donald Trump?

The situation with xenophobia in the Netherlands has a particular islamophobic peculiarity to it. It has been historically a country with a high rate of Muslim immigration, and apparently, some are quite frustrated with the fact that the immigrants from Muslim countries take away their welfare benefits and their jobs. With the economic crisis and increase in the unemployment rates, the Party of Freedom of Netherlands has strongly supported the idea of closing the borders to all Muslim immigrants, as well as such radical measures as banning the Koran, putting in “head rag tax” posters, and even arguing that Dutch Muslims should lose their citizenship.

The True Finns right-wing party of Finland refers to Brussels as “the heart of darkness.” The party runs on highly xenophobic grounds and enforces hostility to any foreign representatives. For instance, the party intends to restrict foreigners from acquiring Finnish nationality or take refuge in Finland.

The  Northern League (Lega Nord) of Italy seeks “Padania”–the term that means greater autonomy for Northern parts of the country. The Northern League is against immigration from Romany and from outside the European Union. The party overtly antagonizes Muslims as well. On one occasion, a member of the Northern League party lobbed a pig’s head onto the prospective site of a mosque, a highly disrespectful and insulting act for Muslims.

In Switzerland, the Swiss People’s Party is highly opposed to Switzerland’s admission to the European Union. One of the main arguments against it is that joining the EU will cause a boost in immigration of foreigners, both legal and illegal, which is seen as a serious threat to the economic prosperity and well-being of the original Swiss population. In 2009, the Swiss People’s Party sent a direct message against the Muslim population when they supported a referendum that opposed the formation of new minarets (Islamic mosques), and 57% of Swiss voters endorsed the referendum.

In Denmark, the Danish People’s Party is also particularly aggressive towards immigration of all kinds, and is obsessed with security at the country’s borders. According to the party’s agenda, they will not allow Denmark to transform into a multi-ethnic society, because Denmark is not an immigrant-friendly nation and does not intend to become one. The party maintains that Denmark only belongs to the Danes and consequently, its citizens have a right to live in a secure society, established on the rule of law developed from Danish culture and traditions, and the rules of which would be completely alien to an immigrant.

In Austria, the Alliance for the Future of Austria and the Freedom Party of Austria under the leadership of Jörg Haider, campaign mainly on an anti-immigration stance. However, their party programs are acknowledged by libertarians and populists. In Sweden, the Swedish Democrat party motto is “Keep Sweden Swedish.” Just like most of Europe’s right-wing populist parties, the Swedish Democrats are typically recognized for their anti-immigrant xenophobia. The party demands a 90% decrease in the number of refugees migrating to Sweden.

The situation in the U.S is there for all to see. Easy availability of firearms and Klu Klux Klan type of xenophobic mentality has seen several horrific crimes being committed and the ignorant Americans have mistaken Sikhs and Hindus to be rabid Muslims from the Middle East and gunned them down in schools, pubs and places of worship. Many Americans today are pledged by xenophobia because they have been dealing with the after effects of 9/11 since a very young age, teenagers today are very familiar with discrimination against these people. But xenophobia is mostly caused by ignorance. If Americans knew how the presence of Al-Queda had ruined the lives of so many Iraqis, and that terrorist groups and America-hating radical Muslims were an extreme minority in the Middle East, they wouldn't face the discrimination that they do today.

So who is failing and why are innocent lives like that of Srinivas Kuchibhotla being lost every day? The leaders are the first to be blamed. When xenophobia becomes a tool in the hand of politicians hate crimes are bound to happen. Followers of Islam too should share the burden and the moderate Muslim should find his/her voice and speak out loud and clear. He/she has to clearly tell the extremists that they do not represent either them or Islam. If lambs choose to remain silent they are just waiting to get slaughtered.

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