Sunday, 6 November 2016


One thing is for sure, you have to feel sorry for America! Imagine the choice they are left with for the post of President! This is what happens when you tweak the elections, manipulate the mandate and defeat a genuinely good and wise candidate, Al Gore. The ghost of Florida recount is revisiting America. Why should good and decent people want to join politics when they see the election stolen away from the deserving and the very best.

Democrat Albert Gore won the most votes, a half million more than his Republican opponent George W. Bush, but lost the presidency in the electoral college by a count of 271-267. Even this count was suspect, dependent on the tally in Florida, a state ruled by the younger Bush sibling, where many minority voters were denied the vote, ballots were confusing, and recounts were mishandled and manipulated. The choice of their leader came not from the citizens of the nation, but from lawyers battling for five weeks. The final decision was made not by 105 million voters, but by a 5-4 majority of the unelected U.S. Supreme Court, issuing a tainted and partisan verdict.

President George W. Bush entered the presidency without any mandate and with half of the nation questioning his legitimate title to the White House. He shared power with a Congress essentially evenly divided between the parties, and confronted the bitterness of disappointed Democrats. That partisan divide still continues till date. How can you unite a divided nation? By war…..and that is what Bush did.

You say India is a divided country, look at the U.S. In this very election we have seen it being divided into:
• the poor and the rich
• single and married people
• working women and homemakers
• gays and straights
• nonbelievers and frequent churchgoers
• Catholics and white Protestants
• Hispanics, Blacks, Asians
• Jews, white Christians and others
• other voters and the religious right
• residents of large cities and rural areas
• high school dropouts and college graduates
• union members and nonmembers
• pro and against gun control
• pro and against ‘black lives matter’
and they all intend to vote differently, considering what suits them best and not what is best for their country. When an election throws up two equally undeserving candidates it does not need Albert Einstein’s IQ to understand that whether it is the Republican or the Democratic party, there is no inner party democracy and the power brokers in Washington have won by manipulating their candidates to the two respective pedestals. The public is now more knowledgeable and more cynical about political maneuvering today than it was 16 years ago in 2000, but alas it is powerless because it has to choose between the stooges of two rival power camps! America, you are paying for your past sins! Hillary or Trump, you are in the dumps!!

Imagine, with an Al Gore presidency there would have been no Gulf War and America would have thrived with green energy, better environmental protection laws, infinitely better education policy and an affordable health plan. Bush on the other hand provided no clear policy direction and for governing a divided nation had to invent a phantom enemy. Now if that was a bad patch in history, can you imagine what is in store for them in future!

America’s social, political, economic and environmental systems all appear to be in acute crisis. At their heart is the growing inequality and sense of disenfranchisement among the population, socially, politically, economically, academically, health wise and environmentally. This election season has done nothing to inspire me with confidence that America will become more equal after November 8. Donald Trump has built his campaign on the exploitation of the social, economic, and racial anxieties of, predominantly, white men without a college degree. ‘I know what is good for you’ Hillary Clinton too knows that this inequality is a significant national concern, but she has no solutions for it. Instead, she keeps on telling that Donald is a novice and has not played the game and so will not be able to deliver!

Americans, both Republicans and Democrats have to stand up and be counted. In this election they should register their protest by voting for ‘none of the above’, if they have a provision for that and let their party know that they are not happy with the choice of the candidates

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