Wednesday, 16 December 2015


Can you imagine living a healthy life well into your 120s? That could be a reality sooner rather than later. We all want to live a much longer, much healthier life. We want our friends, parents, and children to live long and in vigor. Aging saps our strength and ability to enjoy life, cripples us, and eventually kills us. Tens of millions die from medical conditions caused by aging each and every year. Serious scientific efforts are presently underway to understand and intervene in the aging process - not just to prevent frailty and disease, but to also repair and reverse the root causes of aging. And this is the cutting edge of research today.

The theory is that if the aging process is slowed down, then all the diseases and pathology associated with aging can be slowed down as well. Scientists believe that this can be achieved because all of our cells contain a DNA blueprint that could keep our bodies functioning correctly forever. In the decades ahead researchers will assemble new biotechnologies that can defeat aging, restore the old to health and vigor, and prevent the young from ever suffering the ravages of age. But how can we achieve this goal?
  • Step 1: Stop Damaging Health
  • Step 2: Adopt a Better Diet and Lifestyle
  • Step 3: Support and Advocate Longevity Science

Step 1: Stop Damaging Health
Tobacco in any form – smoked, chewed or sniffed, is harmful to longevity and so are all the recreational drugs. Any beverage beyond the levels of moderation and a sedentary life style are totally unacceptable for maintaining a healthy life.

Step 2: Adopt a Better Diet and Lifestyle
If we do not forget to take our car for servicing periodically then why do we forget to visit your physician? This is particularly true for doctors themselves, and they have, over the years, proven to be the most careless. Fortunately, it's neither difficult nor expensive to use diet and lifestyle to live a longer life. Fast food catered by the multinational food chains are making you fast disappear from this earth, and hence their name. It is best to avoid them and stick to home cooked nutritious diet. Fruits as God have sent them, instead of packaged fruit drinks and beverages and regular balanced diet will prevent you from getting overweight. A  calorie restricted diet, daily exercises, brisk walking and some health supplements are what we can do at our end, but some steps need active interventions by the government and the society like reducing carbon emissions and increasing the green belt. Instead of spending our retired life in busy metropolitan cities, choosing quieter and cleaner suburbs or rural housings with appropriate health back-up may go a long way in increasing longevity.

Step 3: Support and Advocate Longevity Science
Today with newer science we can envisage how aging should be repaired and reversed. Aging will one day be cured, just like any other medical condition, but will that be soon enough and will we still alive, healthy, and active to see it. A revolution in biotechnology is presently underway, the Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence (SENS) but right now they do not have much to show.

Naturally the first question in longevity science, that comes to our mind is – why do we get old? What is the cause of ageing? Scientists have today trimmed down the list of causes to the following eight:
·         Accumulating AGEs
·         Buildup of Amyloid Between Cells
·         The Failing Adaptive Immune System
·         The Failing Innate Immune System
·         Declining Lysosomal Function
·         Mitochondrial DNA Damage
·         Nuclear DNA Damage
·         Buildup of Senescent Cells

The US Food and Drug Administration recently gave the go-ahead for clinical trials to be conducted on the world’s first anti-aging drug Metformin, used widely for treating Type 2 Diabetes.  
The drug has already been proven to extend animal lifespan, and the FDA has resultantly decided that trials should be conducted to see if it has the same effect on humans. Furthermore, anecdotal evidence was found last year by researchers at Cardiff University, who observed that patients with diabetes taking metformin were living longer than others who were not diabetic, in spite of diabetics having an average life expectancy that’s eight years shorter. Metformin is believed to have life-extending possibilities for humans because of its ability to increase the number of oxygen molecules released into a cell. This process is believed to boost cell robustness and longevity.

You might feel that Anti aging science is very noble and so must face no opposition from any quarter. Unfortunately that is not the case. It means different things to different people and all these interest groups have their own axe to grind.
  • For the scientific community, anti-aging research refers exclusively to slowing, preventing, or reversing the aging process. There is, as of 2015, no proven medical technology that allows this goal to be accomplished in humans nor is there any currently available method (short of waiting for people to die) to accurately measure the effects of an alleged anti-aging therapy.

  • In the medical and more reputable business community, anti-aging medicine means early detection, prevention, and reversal of age-related diseases. This is quite different from tackling the aging process itself, and a wide array of strategies and therapies are currently available which goes into the various health corporate check-up packages.

  • The wider business community - including a great many fraudulent and frivolous ventures - views "anti-aging" as a valuable brand and a cunning way to increase sales. At the worse end of the scale, this leads to snake oil and tiger bone salesmen, "anti-aging" creams that scream hoarse to make skin look younger and free of wrinkles and age blemishes! If I choose to be very charitable with them then their concept “to look and feel younger in some way" - has no bearing on how long you live or how healthy you actually are.

So Anti-aging is both a valuable brand and important science that all these groups are attempting to control or profit from it and in many cases their aims are at odds with one another. Scientists feel, quite rightly, that the noise and nonsense coming from the anti-aging marketplace is damaging the prospects for serious, scientific anti-aging research. If people are under the impression that anti-aging means high-priced cream from Revlon marketed to the gullible and brand-aware, no government is going to give funding for a serious proposal in aging research. Government too are silently scared that if the longevity really increases exponentially then the pensioner hands may outnumber productive hands, as has already happened in many developing countries. It is getting more and more interesting, isn’t it! 

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