Today is World Environment Day. Today I
wish to make an earnest request to all my friends. You all have an impulse
habit of presenting floral bouquets to friends and relatives on all occasions -
birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, promotions and other celebrations. Every
conference, every function has bouquets which once the occasion passes, are of
no use and lie scattered, unattended and unsung. Friends, flowers look best in
trees and plants, not when bunched together and suffocated in cellophane. Let
us in the next 5 years change this trend of presenting floral bouquets and
replace them with saplings of green trees and flowering plants. This way we
will all contribute towards making our planet green again. It will be the
social responsibility of the conference organizers, the wedding planners, the
host family to pass on these saplings to professional gardeners for their
plantation and upkeep.
Can you imagine what would be the scale
of this movement if you personally agree and make others see the true value of
re-greening our planet? You will post yourself in the forefront of battle
against Climate change and not remain a complaining spectator any more. Let us
start this movement from our doorsteps. Merely passing on this message will not
help. Your active cooperation and untiring efforts are needed to change a useless
habit into a useful game changer. I welcome you all to the Climate change army!
Together we can do